Tuesday, October 5, 2010 | By: MiraculousSigns

Gout : Kekacang, soya, paku pakis x bley makan eh?


Jom ulangkaji diet mx for GOUT.
Bila sebut tentang gout, kebiasaannya memang kita akan teringat akan --> PURINE
Tapi, apa kata kalau kali ni, kita lihat dietary mx gout ni dlm konteks yang menyeluruh, meliputi setiap kumpulan makanan dlm piramid makanan tuh. Sebelum tu, apa yg CPG kata ttg gout nih

Jom mulakan satu persatu ikut kumpulan makanan..

Kump 1 : Nasi, roti, bijirin.
Makan secukupnya.
Urate excretion tends to be enhanced by carbohydrates (50-55% CHO). (Dorfman,2004)

Kump 2 : Sayur-sayuran
Makan banyak

...increased risk of gout was not associated with vegetable protein. (ADA,2009) ...vegetable intake, REGARDLESS of purine content, may be protective as it may increase urate excretion (ADA,2009)

Kump 3 : Buah-buahan

Makan secukupnya

Choi & colleagues also observed a direct correlation between the degree of fructose intake, measured as soft drink consumption, and the risk of both hyperuricemia and gout (ADA,2009)
Higher vitamin C intake is independently associated with a lower risk of gout (ADA,2009)

Kump 4 : Susu & produk tenusu

Minum secukupnya

High intake of dairy products seem to have an inverse relationship with hyperuricemia, as they may have a uricosuric effect (ADA,2009)

Kump 5 : Daging

Makan secukupnya & kawal pengambilannya
Elakkan makanan tinggi purine & hadkan pengambilan makanan sederhana kandungan purine

Increased risk of gout was associated with a higher consumption of meat and seafood but not with a higher consumption of animal (milk, egg or cheese) protein. (ADA,2009)

Lemak & gula

Kawal pengambilannya & pilih kaedah memasak yang lebih sihat.

Urate excretion tends to be reduced by fats, the diet should be relatively low in fat (30% of calories) and modified in cholesterol (<300)

Minum air sebanyak-banyaknya

Intake of fluids (3 L/day) should be encouraged to assist with the excretion of uric acid and to minimize the possibility of renal calculi formation. (Dorfman, 2004)

Kesimpulannya seperti pamphlet yang dihasilkan di bawah: tadaa..

Sekian, semoga bermanfaat


Dorfman, L. (2004). Medical Nutrition Therapy for Rheumatic Disorders. Krause's Food, Nutrition & Diet Therapy, Elsevier : USA

American Dietetic Association. (2009). Gout: Is a purine-restricted diet still recommended?
Journal of American Dietetic Association (7) : 22


mazu said...

dearest ayat, im a big fan of ur pamphlets!

siti suhaili said...

TQ Cik Ayat! JZKK..

MiraculousSigns said...

mazu - nanti i emel kat you

Su- same2 (^_^)

Sweet Perfume said...

ayat dearie,,mAY i have the resources(ada,2009)?

MiraculousSigns said...

saadah dearie. rasenye dah pernah bagi dah dulu. xpe, nanti ayat emel lagi sekali

Zk Channel said...

Banyak Maklumat berguna. saya pernah kena Gout.Tapi sekarang telah sembuh sepenuhnya.yang penting kita tahu puncanya dan cuba elakkan punca tersebut.